
drusza [ˈdrusɑ] – namesake (of the given name)
névrokon [ˈneːvrokon] – namesake (of the surname)
(Literally: name-relative)

R.I.P. Lajos Ádám, dance teacher, my névrokon, who’s taught our class different dances for our elementary school senior prom night. As he did teach many generations of mainly Hungarians in South Slovakia during his long carreer: article 1, article 2 (both in Hungarian)

név [ˈneːv] – name
rokon [ˈrokon] – relative

Hátrább az agarakkal!

Hátrább az agarakkal! [ˈhaːtraːbː ɑz ɑgɑrɑkːal] – Hold your horses!; Pipe down!; Be more modest! (rather archaic saying)
(Literally: Back with the greyhounds!)

Hátrébb az agarakkal! [ˈhaːtreːbː ɑz ɑgɑrɑkːal] (dialectical version)

This saying was originally used in the meaning of: Do not show off with your greyhounds!; Do not demand special rights for yourself by referring to your greyhounds!

In the past, noblemen would often show off with their greyhounds, compare them between each-other, deal with which of them has the prettiest, most skilled one, etc. Greyhound companies, contests were created, and generally they spent a lot on greyhounds.

hátrább [ˈhaːtraːbː]
1) aback; more to the back
2) backwards; move back; back

hátra [ˈhaːtrɑ] – to the back; backward
hát [ˈhaːt]
1) back (part of body)
2) well…

agár [ˈɑgaːr] – greyhound; sighthound

Hungarian explanation here.


csigavér [ˈtʃigɑveːr]
1) slow, calm, considered response
2) Relax!; Hold your horses!; Patience!; Chill out!; Calm down!; No hurry!

csiga [ˈtʃigɑ]
1) snail
2) pulley (one of the simple machines)
3) (anatomy) cochlea (spirally coiled cavity of the inner ear)

vér [ˈveːr] – blood 🩸

Photo: Ray Zhou (Unsplash)


tampont [ˈtɑmpont] – tampon (accusative)
támpont [ˈtaːmpont] – base; pivot; strong point; guideline
támaszpont [ˈtaːmɑspont] – base; strong point
támasz [ˈtaːmɑs] – support; pillar; shoulder
támaszt [ˈtaːmɑst] – he/she/it is leaning; he/she /it is propping up
támasztani [ˈtaːmɑstɑni]
1) (transitive) to lean; to prop against
2) (transitive) to support; to prop up; to shore up
3) (transitive) to impose (a requirement or an expectation); to set (a standard); to lay (claim to something)

kiindulópont [ˈkiinduloːpont] – starting point; base; origination


Pill! [ˈpilː] – (Wait a) Moment!; (Wait a) Second!
Egy pillanat! [ˈɛɟ pilːɑnɑt] – Just a moment!; Just a minute!

pillanat [ˈpilːɑnɑt]
1) moment; second
2) instant (e.g.: pillanatragasztó [ˈpilːɑnɑtrɑgɑstoː] – instant glue; superglue)

pillanatnyilag [ˈpilːɑnɑtɲilɑg] – at this moment; momentarily
pillanatnyi [ˈpilːɑnɑtɲi] – momentary; instantaneous; present; current
pillantás [ˈpilːɑntaːʃ] – glance; blink; look
szempillantás [ˈsɛmpilːɑntaːʃ] – blink; moment; second
egy szempillantás alatt [ˈɛɟ sɛmpilːɑntaːʃ ɑlɑtː] – immediately; in the twinkling of an eye