You’ve got to love Hungarian! :D #16

konyhamalac [ˈkoɲhɑmɑlɑts] – garbage disposal (slang)
[Literally::: kitchen piglet]

konyhai hulladékdaráló [ˈkoɲhɑi hulːadeːkdɑraːloː] – garbage disposal
[Literally::: garbage grinder of/from the kitchen]


konyha [ˈkoɲhɑ] – kitchen
malac [ˈmɑlɑts] – piglet
disznó [ˈdisnoː] – pig
sertés [ˈʃɛrteːʃ] – hog; swine; pig
hulladék [ˈhulːadeːk] – garbage
hullani [ˈhulːani]
1) to fall
[e.g.: Hull a hó. – It’s snowing. (Literally: the snow is falling)]
[e.g.: térdre hull – fall on one’s knees]
2) (tears) to flow
3) (hair) to fall out
4) to die
[e.g.: hullanak, mint a legyek – they are dying off like flies]

daráló [ˈdɑraːloː] – grinder
darálni [ˈdɑraːlni] – to grind; to mill

Hungarian quips #2


Nekem csobogsz, kispatak? [ˈnɛkem tʃobogs kiʃpɑtɑk]

Translation::: Are you babbling to me, little stream?
Meaning::: Are you talking to me, you little insignificant person?


nekem (van) – I (have)
nekem – for me; to me; me

csobogni [ˈtʃobogni] – to babble (to make a continuous murmuring noise, as shallow water running over stones)
csobogás [ˈtʃobogaːʃ] – babble (the sound of flowing water)

kis; kicsi – little; small

° °

forrás < ér < csermely < patak < folyó < folyam < tenger < óceán

forrás [ˈforaːʃ] – spring (water source)
ér [ˈeːr] – rill
csermely [ˈtʃɛrmɛj] – brooklet; rivulet; streamlet; rill; runnel
patak – stream; brook; runnel; rivulet
folyó [ˈfojoː] – river
folyam [ˈfojɑm] – big river
tenger – sea
óceán – ocean

folyni – to flow
folyik – it flows; it is flowing

Hungarian quips #1


Ha a mókusnak olyan feje lenne, mint neked, már rég magára gyújtotta volna az erdőt.
[ˈhɑ ɑ moːkuʃnak ojɑn fɛjɛ lenːɛ mint nɛkɛd ˈmaːr reːg mɑgaːrɑ ɟuːjtotːɑ volnɑ ɑz ɛrdøːt]
Translation::: If the squirrel had a head/face like yours, he would have long ago set the forest on fire with him inside (the forest).
Meaning::: You are ugly.
ha – if
mókus [ˈmoːkuʃ] – squirrel
olyan [ˈojɑn] – such; that; that kind of
fej [ˈfɛj]
1) head
2) face (only in some context)
lenne – if it were
lesz – it will be
mint – than; as…as; like
neked (van) – you (have)
már – already; yet
rég; régen [ˈreːgen] – long ago; long time ago
1) himself/herself/itself
2) you (formal, singular)
magára gyújtani valamit – to set something on fire with him/her being inside that building/place
1) to light; kindle (a fire)
2) to spark; to fire
volna – third-person singular conditional present indefinite of van
[e.g.: jó volna – it would be good]
erdő [ˈɛrdøː] – forest


vagány vs. vágány

1) tough; rough; cool; rough-neck [adjective]
2) tough; hoodlum [noun]

vágány [ˈvaːgaːɲ]
1) rail track
2) platform (structure for waiting for a train)


vakvágány [ˈvɑkvaːgaːɲ]
1) rail track that leads nowhere
2) life style that leads nowhere
[Everyone has kept telling you that your life style does not have a future, but you keep doing what you do.. disagreeing with and ignoring everyone’s opinion.. but in the end you realise that they were right and that you are done, that your life has no meaning and/or cannot work they way you had thought it could. – Vakvágányon vagy.]

vak [ˈvɑk] – blind
világtalan [ˈvilaːgtɑlɑn] – blind; slightless; visionless
[Literally::: someone without sight]

világ [ˈvilaːg]
1) world
2) (archaic, dialectal) illumination; light; brightness; sight

fény [ˈfeːɲ]
1) light
2) shine

You’ve got to love Hungarian! :D #15

nem | igen | nemigen

nem [ˈnɛm]
1) no; not
2) sex; gender

igen [ˈiɡen]
1) yes
2) quite; very
[e.g.: Igen sok ember volt ma a koncerten. – “Very much”/A lot of people were at the concert today.]
[e.g.: Igen meleg volt ma. – It was very hot today.]
[e.g.: Igen, meleg volt ma. – Yes, it was hot today.]

nemigen [ˈnɛmiɡen] – hardly; not really; not too much; not particularly
[e.g.: Peti iskolakerülő, nemigen jár iskolába. – Peti is a truant, does not go to school much.]
[e.g.: Józsi nemigen hitte hogy léteznek földönkívüliek, míg egyik éjjel el nem rabolták. – Józsi did not really believe that aliens exist, until one night they have abducted him.]
[e.g.: Nemigen lesz meg a vizsgád, ha el nem kezdesz most rögtön tanulni. – You are not really going to pass the exam, if you will not start studying immediately.]
[e.g.: Ez a dal nemigen szól semmiről, csak egy szokásos diszkó dal. – This song does not really have a meaning, it is just a regular disco song. / This song does not really talk about anything, it is just a regular disco song.]