
magyar racka juh [ˈmɑɟɑr rɑtskɑ juh] – Racka Sheep
hortobágyi racka juh [ˈhortobaːɟi rɑtskɑ juh] – Racka Sheep

egyszarvú [ˈɛɟsɑrvuː] – unicorn
egy [ˈɛɟː] – one
szarv [ˈsɑrv] – horn

bárány [ˈbaːraːɲ] – lamb
birka [ˈbirkɑ]
1) sheep
2) mutton; lamb

Photos: Gabriel Ádám – linkingabo

a tojáshéj a fenekén

még ott (van) a tojáshéj a fenekén [ˈmeːg otː vɑn ɑ tojaːʃheːj ɑ fɛnɛkeːn] – he/she is immature; young; inexperienced 🐣
(Literally: the eggshell is still there on his/her bottom)

még [ˈmeːg] – still; yet
itt [ˈitː] – here
ott [ˈotː] – there
van [ˈvɑn] – there is; exists
lenni [ˈlɛnːi] – to be; to exist
tojáshéj [ˈtojaːʃheːj] – eggshell
tojás [ˈtojaːʃ]
(Literally: laying; (egg)-laying; the state/process of laying an egg)
1) egg
2) testicle

tojni [ˈtojni] – to lay (egg)
tojik [ˈtojik] – he/she/it is laying (egg)
tojó [ˈtojoː]
1) hen
2) (egg)-layer (person, animal, thing)

héj [ˈheːj]
1) shell (egg, nut)
2) skin (apple, onion, potato)
3) peel (orange, lemon)
4) rind (melon)
5) crust (bread)
6) bark (tree)
7) lid (eye)

héja [ˈheːjɑ]
1) hawk
2) the shell/skin/peel/rind/crust/bark/lid of a particular thing

fenék [ˈfɛneːk] – ass; buttocks; bottom; buttock

Photo: Miroslav Sárkozy (pixabay.com)


faiskola [ˈfɑiʃkolɑ] – tree nursery; nursery garden
(Literally: tree-school)

fa [ˈfɑ]
1) tree
2) wood
3) wooden
4) lumber; timber

iskola [ˈiʃkolɑ] – school
isi [ˈiʃi] – school (diminutive)
suli [ˈʃuli] – school (colloquial)

Original photo: FLORIANO GELSI (pixabay.com)


drusza [ˈdrusɑ] – namesake (of the given name)
névrokon [ˈneːvrokon] – namesake (of the surname)
(Literally: name-relative)

R.I.P. Lajos Ádám, dance teacher, my névrokon, who’s taught our class different dances for our elementary school senior prom night. As he did teach many generations of mainly Hungarians in South Slovakia during his long carreer: article 1, article 2 (both in Hungarian)

név [ˈneːv] – name
rokon [ˈrokon] – relative