Reszkessetek betörők

The movie Home Alone is called Reszkessetek betörők [ˈreskɛʃːɛtek bɛtørøːk] in Hungarian, which literally means “May you be trembling (with fear), burglars”.

reszketni [ˈreskɛtni] – to tremble; to quiver; to flutter
betörő [ˈbɛtørøː] – burglar; housebreaker

Boldog új évet!

Boldog új évet!
– Happy New Year!
[You wish the person to have their whole new year happy.] 

Boldog újévet! – Happy New Year!
[You wish the person to have their first day of the new year happy. Sometimes also the last day of the old year.] 

BÚÉK, B.Ú.É.K.B. ú. é. k. [ˈbuːeːk] or Búék [ˈbuːeːk] is the abbreviation of the wish “Boldog új évet kívánok!” [ˈboldog uːj eːvɛt kiːvaːnok] or “Boldog új évet kívánunk!” [ˈboldog uːj eːvɛt kiːvaːnunk], which means “I/we wish you a happy new year!”. 🙂