
Columbo statue
 on Falk Miksa street in Budapest. 🕵️ Behind it there is a case to be solved: a dead squirrel lying on the ground with a gun in his hand… was it suicide or murder? 🔫 🐿️ 🔍 🇭🇺 😉

mókus [ˈmoːkuʃ] – squirrel
mókusgyilkosság [ˈmoːkuʃɟilkoʃːaːg] – squirrel-murder
gyilkosság [ˈɟilkoʃːaːg] – murder
öngyilkosság [ˈønʃɟilkoʃːaːg] – suicide
(Literally: self-murder)

magánnyomozó [ˈmɑɡaːnɲomozoː] – private detective
nyomozó [ˈɲomozoː] – detective; investigator
nyomozni [ˈɲomozni]
1) to investigate
2) to search; to seek; to look for

Mekk Elek

Tiny statue of Mekk Elek, the main character of a Hungarian puppet animated series, on Széll Kálmán square in Budapest. Mekk Elek is famous for mostly only speaking Eszperente, what is like a dialect or sub-language of Hungarian, where when speaking one must use only words, that contain only the vowel e (or é), and yet still must speak correct Hungarian. 😉

Photo by linkingabo, February 2020.
More photos here.